blissful light attunements and treatments

Ancestral Healing

Ancestral healing attunements and treatments aim to assist in healing ancestral ties, lineages or connections.

Ancestral healing may heal, clear negative energies, and transmute or bless your ancestors.

There are many different ancestral ties, such as from our planet, other planets and realms and even starseeds.

Working with, healing or clearing negative energies associated with your ancestors is a beautiful way to show gratitude and also move forward on your personal and spiritual path without being held back.

I recommend considering the Ancestral Clearing Maintenance Attunement if you are focused on clearing non-serving energies.


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14 products

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Ultimate Spiritual Earth Star Chakra Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Spiritual Stellar Gateway Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Spiritual Sacral Chakra Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Spiritual Core Star Chakra Enhancement Treatment
NewPre-approval Required
Ultimate Spiritual Soul Star Chakra Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Spiritual Ear Chakras Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Spiritual Pineal Chakra Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Spiritual Cerebellum Chakra Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Spiritual Thymus Chakra Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Spiritual Solar Plexus Chakra Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Ancestral Earth Star Chakra Alignment Treatment
Earth Star Chakra Activation Maintenance Attunement
Quantum Quattro Realignment Empowerment attunement
Pre-approval Required
Ultimate Feet Chakras Bison Anchoring Treatment

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