blissful light attunements and treatments


Deity attunements aim to provide energetic connections with the energies associated with and the qualities of deities. Deity energetic connections are a popular way to work on either specific focus areas the deity may assist with or in a general sense to further accelerate spiritual growth and psychic development. If you are specifically looking to work with energies associated with goddesses, you may be interested in our goddess attunement collection. As with all attunements I create, no deity attunements cause energetic vampirism or are taking directly from the deity.


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9 products

Dynamic Heka Connections Maintenance Attunement
Dynamic Hemsut Connections Maintenance Attunement
Dynamic Ra Connections Maintenance Attunement
Dynamic Aset Connections Maintenance Attunement
Dynamic Aurora Connections Maintenance Attunement
Dynamic Ganesha Connections Maintenance Attunement
Dynamic Lakshmi Connections Maintenance Attunement
Dynamic Mahakaal Connections Maintenance Attunement
Dynamic Vishnu Connections Maintenance Attunement

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