blissful light attunements and treatments


Empowerment attunements can be thought of as a process that brings energy into you to bring about the desired result. The energies aim to empower you and either replace, top up or bring in new supportive healing energies. Typically empowerments are easy to use and make great additions to your daily energy healing routines.


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5 products

Bumblebee Jasper Inspiration Empowerment attunement
Violet Flame Opal Transmutation Empowerment, Attunements, Craig MacLennan - Blissful Light
Quantum Quattro Realignment Empowerment attunement
Rock Of Gibraltar Empowerment, Attunements, Craig MacLennan - Blissful Light
Rock Of Gibraltar Empowerment Sale price£ 9.99 GBP
Siri Nyoka Renewal Empowerment, Attunements, Craig MacLennan - Blissful Light
Siri Nyoka Renewal Empowerment Sale price£ 9.99 GBP

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