blissful light attunements and treatments


Abundance attunements aim to assist in increasing abundance, the law of attraction, prosperity, money, positive manifestation, and clearing blockages connected to abundance, among other things.

From an energetic view, abundance and prosperity can be complicated to fully achieve as many aspects are usually involved in properly manifesting them.

As a starting point, I suggest that working to clear the subconscious of non-serving programs (which could be preventing you from manifesting properly) is included in all abundance work you do.

A good abundance attunement to consider is the Abundance Maintenance Attunement.

You may also be interested in blessings and manifestation attunements.


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18 products

Ultimate Abundance Of Love Activation Alignment Treatment
Ultimate Golden Ray Transmutation And Cleanse Treatment
Ultimate Abundance Realignment Treatment
Ultimate Reiki Goddess Lakshmi Integration Treatment
Ultimate Goddess Awakening Treatment
Ultimate Arcturian Abundance Stimulation Treatment
Ultimate Abundance Enhancement Treatment
Ultimate Spiritual Abundance Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Abundance Dimensional Enhancement Treatment
Ultimate Abundance Activation Alignment Treatment
Ultimate Abundance Stability Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Third Eye Abundance Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Abundance Higher Levels Treatment
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Ultimate Feet Chakras Bison Anchoring Treatment
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Ultimate Solar Plexus Chakra Citrine Abundance Treatment
Ultimate Abundance Dragon Spiritual Integration Treatment
Ultimate Abundance 999 Spiritual Integration Treatment
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Ultimate Abundance Magic Clearing Treatment

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