blissful light attunements and treatments


Aura attunements aim to help clear, balance, repair and empower your aura.

A healthy aura aims to surround you and keep you energetically protected and your positive energies high.

I recommend considering the Aura Maintenance Attunement if you want to focus on maintaining a healthy aura and auric layers.


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25 products

Ultimate Arcturian Aura Stimulation Treatment
Ultimate Aura 999 Spiritual Integration Treatment
Ultimate Aura Chakra Integration Enhancement Treatment
Ultimate Spiritual Aura Enhancement Treatment
Ultimate Aura Meridian Integration Enhancement Treatment
Ultimate Aura Enhancement Treatment
Ultimate Auric Ascension Treatment
Ultimate Auric Ascension Treatment Sale price£ 59.99 GBP
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Ultimate Aura Magic Clearing Treatment
Ultimate Aura Stability Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Astral Body (Auric Layer) Enhancement Treatment
Ultimate Aura Inflow Outflow Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Third Eye Aura Enhancement Treatment
Ultimate Aura Dragon Spiritual Integration Treatment
Ultimate Aura Expansion Treatment
Ultimate Aura Expansion Treatment Sale price£ 59.99 GBP
Ultimate Aura Goddess Aset Integration Treatment
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Ultimate Emotional Body (Auric layer) Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Aura Kundalini Integration Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Aura Higher Levels Treatment
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Ultimate Aura Dimensional Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Celestial Body (Auric Layer) Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Causal Body (Auric Layer) Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Etheric Body (Auric Layer) Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Money Aura Integration Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Spiritual Body (Auric Layer) Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Mental Body (Auric Layer) Enhancement Treatment

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