Distant Attunements

Code Of Ethics

Code Of Ethics

I like to think that Blissful Light differs from other distant attunement and energy healing treatment providers. I strive to ensure that all my attunements have safety, equality, and empowerment built into their core. The support you receive is of the highest quality, professional, and friendly. I believe that energy healers should act like energy healers; accountability, integrity, and empathy are essential.

Blissful Lights website is one of the very best in the industry. I give a lot of attention and focus on the website's ease of use (including digital downloads of your manuals), providing detailed and informative blog posts and product descriptions, high-quality professional images and ensuring the website offers a welcoming environment.

In addition to these high standards, I carry out all business activities, distant attunements and energy healing treatments, adhering to the code of ethics outlined below.


Our conversations are private. I will never disclose anything that we may discuss with any third party without your consent or in line with the Privacy Policy.


Equality is an essential aspect of practising energy healing and is reflected in all my attunements, support and blog posts. I do not tolerate, teach, or support divisive or non-inclusive teachings or views in our industry.


You are a unique being with unique thoughts and perceptions. I honour this and ensure any manuals and support reflect this. I do not give instructions; I offer suggestions.


I will always ensure I am transparent and willing to explain as much as possible about myself and my attunements. I will always ensure that my attunement manuals, product descriptions and support are transparent.


I will be honest in all communications and activities. If you ask for an opinion, I will be direct and respond in the best way I feel is appropriate; however, I will always encourage you to find your truth.


I will always be professional, friendly and positive towards all clients and will openly encourage you. While I can't do the work for you, I can support you while encouraging the strengthening of your personal power and trust in your unique abilities. I will encourage you to make your own decisions and take appropriate action where necessary.


I will always value and treat you with the utmost respect. If we are unable to work together for any reason, I will explain why.


I will provide unique and high-quality blog posts that may assist you on your spiritual journey. I will always clarify that energy healing never provides a cure and is not a substitute for care by a licensed healthcare provider.


I will always suggest that if you have or think you may have a medical or psychological condition, see a licensed healthcare provider.


I will never diagnose medical or psychological conditions or prescribe medications. I will never suggest that a client change or end dosages of substances prescribed by licensed health care providers or suggest that you change prescribed treatment or interfere with the treatment of a licensed health care provider.

Professional Conduct

I will always act in such a way as to create and maintain a professional image for myself, Blissful Light and our industry.

Honour My Truth

I will always create attunements and provide support in alignment with my truth. I honour and respect my unique perceptions and skills. I will ensure respect in all the work I do with clients and within our community. As such, I do not work with anyone who is deliberately rude or unprofessional.

Reading next

How To Structure Energy Healing Treatments
What Is Seichim?