I am often asked if it is okay to have a distant attunement when feeling unwell.
Distant attunements can sometimes feel energetically supportive and help you feel calm. So, I think the question is understandable.
Unwell, in the context of this article, is what you can expect when you have a cold.
Key Takeaways
- You can have a distant attunement while unwell. There are pros and cons to consider.
- Distant attunements are energetic tools that may help you feel grounded and balanced and support spiritual growth.
- Being unwell might limit your ability to fully experience and benefit from a distant attunement.
- In most cases, you should wait until you have recovered to accept your distant attunement.
- It is essential to remember that distant attunements should not replace professional medical care.
Keep reading to learn:
Can I Have A Distant Attunement If I'm Feeling Unwell?
Distant attunements are energetic tools that may help your spiritual development. They may also help you relax and feel more grounded and energetically balanced.
Therefore, in most cases, you can have a distant attunement when feeling unwell.
However, this only means in some circumstances. There are considerations with pros and cons that you should balance before making up your mind. There are also times when you should not accept an attunement.
I recommend waiting until you feel better unless the distant attunement is required for spiritual work you think can't wait.
It is usually best to wait and then pick up again when you feel better. You will be better able to respond to energetic shifts that require your focus and intention.
Expert tip
Use the downtime to reassess your spiritual development. Practising self-reflection when unwell can often reveal new insights and understandings. Think about things that require your focus and take action when you are well.
There are pros and cons to having a distant attunement when feeling unwell. Here are some main points to help you be more aware and make an informed decision.
Support recovery (calm): Distant attunements and Reiki are often felt as calming and grounding. They also may adjust your energies to be more balanced and function more optimally (depending on the distant attunement you choose).
Energetic detox: Usually, when you are feeling unwell, you are already drinking liquids, fasting, or eating healthy. This practice may help bring about a deeper clearing and cleansing of your energies when working with distant attunements.

Raise your vibration: When your vibration is high, the more potential you have for clearing non-serving energies. It may also help bring you into energetic alignment and boost overall energetic protection. Many distant attunements may help raise your vibration.
Gain new spiritual insights while resting: Distant attunement may help bring to the surface things that may need your attention to resolve. When you are unwell, you are often forced to stop and get lots of rest.
Develop an action plan: While resting, you have an ideal time to plan an action plan to resolve anything that requires your focus. You may want to create an action plan that includes specific attunements to assist you.
Takes longer: All aspects of having a distant attunement may take longer. This may include preparation, acceptance, and activation. Gaining spiritual insights and spiritual development may take longer, too. This is usually due to not feeling well enough to have the required focus and intention. It can also be more challenging to remember your insights.
Missed spiritual discoveries: If you forget an insight, you may miss a spiritual discovery. This is also true if you are too unwell to have consistent focus. Sometimes, it is best to sleep and not force focus and concentration, which means working with attunements may not be suited.
Not feeling or sensing the energies: When you are unwell, it can be far more difficult to feel the energies. This is partly due to the symptoms you may be experiencing (e.g., headaches or body aches). Or the energies flow differently when you are unwell, making them feel different from usual or as expected.
Doubt you accepted the attunement properly: If you take the attunement when unwell, it can cause doubt, or you may question whether you received the attunement correctly. This is due to the abovementioned reason (not feeling or sensing energies).
Create non-serving intention (uncertainty and positivity): Distant attunements are directed by your intention. Intention is an essential element of all energy healing. If you have any doubt about whether you received the attunement, how the energies feel, or whether you are unable to connect with your higher self, this can create a negative intention. This negative intention may block spiritual growth and spiritual insights and discoveries.
Not hearing spiritual support: Depending on how unwell you feel, it can be challenging to hear your higher self. It can also be far more difficult to connect with your spiritual support team and guides, and it can also be difficult to be certain of the messages you receive.

There is a lot to consider when deciding to have a distant attunement when feeling unwell. In most cases, it is best to work with the distant attunements you are already attuned to rather than having a new distant attunement.
Can The Distant Attunement Make Me Feel Worse?
When you accept a distant attunement, you receive energy. These energies may raise your vibration, expand your channels, and start an energetic clearing. This process may result in non-serving energies being removed and replaced with positive energy.
Energetic clearing, cleansing, transmutation, and movement of energy can sometimes be uncomfortable or cause a slight cold-like feeling. This is usually not bad, and feels like you are starting a cold or feeling off or out of balance. It does not last long and is generally mild.
However, these cold-like symptoms may be intensified when you are feeling unwell.
When You Should Not Have A Distant Attunement
Distant attunements do not replace medical care and diagnosis. Never accept a distant attunement to replace medical care.
As mentioned at the beginning of this article, being unwell is what you can expect when you have a cold. You should not have a distant attunement with any other significant illness or when feeling unwell unless you have been to your doctor.
Distant attunements require a reasonable level of energetic balance. Being unwell and unbalanced, especially emotionally and mentally, will make it very challenging to work with distant attunements. This is because you must have consistent focus and strong, focused intentions.
Any reality disturbances and extremes in thoughts, emotions, energetic fluctuations, etc., will make a consistent positive-focused intention impossible. If this is the case, you should not have a distant attunement.
Only consider a distant attunement once you are balanced and under medical care. Having appropriate expectations is essential when working with distant attunements.
Recommended Distant Attunements When Unwell
There are a few main types of attunements that you should consider.
Blockage clearing attunements
Distant attunements focusing on blockage clearing may be a good choice. Depending on how you are feeling, spiritual blockage clearing may be worth considering. This is because the clearing symptoms tend to be more subtle, yet the energetic realignments may still be beneficial.
I recommend the Blockages Clearing Maintenance Attunement. This distant attunement is gentle yet powerful enough to deal with all blockages. It can be used generally for blockage clearing or as specific as you require.
The only downside is that depending on the blockage cleared, you may inadvertently feel worse due to any energetic clearing symptoms. Start gently and intend for the clearing to be gentle.
Vibration raising attunements
One of the best ways of working with attunements when unwell is to raise your vibration. The benefits of this are that it helps keep your energetic channels open and integrates energies more easily. It is also beneficial for spiritual advancement and enhancing spiritual connections.
I recommend the High Vibration Maintenance Attunement. This attunement specifically aims to raise your vibration and is gentle enough to work with when feeling unwell.
Angelic attunements
The angelic realms are some of the most supportive and gentle energies to work with. However, they can still adjust to the most demanding spiritual development focuses.
I recommend working with an attunement that is more general in scope, such as the Angelic Connections Maintenance Attunement. This attunement gives a connection to angelic realms of light. These energies are often perceived as being extremely supportive and comforting.
Chakra attunements
Working on your chakras when unwell can be a good practice as it may raise your vibration and enhance energy flow.
The best chakra to work on when unwell is the thymus chakra. This chakra is associated with the immune system and overall energetic vitality.
I recommend the Thymus Chakra Activation Maintenance Attunement. This distant attunement focuses on the activation and enhancement of the thymus chakra. It is gentle enough to work with regularly.
I also recommend the Chakra Maintenance Attunement. This distant attunement can be used on all your chakras at once or on a specific chakra. It is adaptable to most use cases. It is also an excellent tool in your spiritual toolbox.
I also offer distant energy healing treatments, many of which may be suitable for when feeling unwell.
Distant Attunements When Unwell FAQ
Can you have a distant attunement if you are feeling unwell?
Yes, you can receive a distant attunement when unwell. However, it is generally best to wait until you feel better. Distant attunements may help you feel calm and balanced but may take longer to process if you are not feeling well.
What are the potential benefits of distant attunements when unwell?
Doing distant attunements might help clear your energy and give you new spiritual insights when you rest.
What are the potential downsides to receiving a distant attunement while sick?
Preparation, acceptance, and activation of distant attunements may take longer. You may also miss spiritual discoveries or not sense energies well.
Should I wait until I feel better before receiving a distant attunement?
If you feel too weak or overwhelmed, waiting until you feel better might be best. If you are open and receptive to the healing energy, attunements may be beneficial to your well-being. In most cases, wait to accept your distant attunement until you feel better.
What should I consider before having a distant attunement when unwell?
The main things to consider are:
- Is the attunement needed for essential spiritual work?
- Can you focus and set clear intentions and goals?
- Is having the attunement worth the risk of missing spiritual insights?
If I am unwell, can a distant attunement make me feel worse?
Typically, distant attunements are gentle. However, there are times that they can cause an energetic clearing that may make you feel temporarily uncomfortable. This may be more noticeable if you are already unwell.
Are there times when I shouldn't have a distant attunement?
It is not recommended to perform distant attunements if you are dealing with a serious illness or emotional and mental challenges that interfere with your concentration and intention setting. Having appropriate expectations and being relatively balanced energetically is crucial.
Do I need to do anything special after a distant attunement if I'm not feeling well?
Afterwards, I recommend resting and drinking plenty of water. Taking it easy on yourself is crucial, and so is activating the energies of the distant attunement regularly to integrate them. Journaling or meditation can also help integrate the healing energy.
Can I receive multiple distant attunements while unwell?
You can receive multiple attunements, but space them out to allow your body to adjust. It is best to leave at least a day between accepting distant attunements.
Final Thoughts
While I recommend waiting until you feel better as a rule of thumb, having a distant attunement when feeling unwell is usually fine.
You will gain spiritual discoveries if you approach all decisions and experiences (good or bad) as learning opportunities. Just ensure you understand when distant attunements are not recommended.