An attunement permanently connects you to the energies. However, accepting your attunement is only the first step.
To gain potential benefits, you must then use the energies.
An attunement is not the destination; it is the start of a journey.
You can use the following activation suggestions for all types of attunements, including Chi Ball and custom Potential Attunements.
Keep reading to learn:
How To Activate Energies Following A Chi Ball Attunement
Before you activate the energies, accept the attunement first.
Remember, accepting the attunement is the first step. After that, activating the energies is where you work with the energies.
What does attunement activation mean?
There are two steps in working with attunements. Both are essential for successful energy healing.
The first step is accepting the attunement. To connect with the energies, you must first receive the attunement. This straightforward process allows you to connect with the energies. Accepting the attunement is done once.
However, accepting the attunement connects you with the energies. It does not work with or activate the energies.
The second step is activating the energies. Activating the energies means allowing the energies to flow. Activation starts the flow. You need to let the energies flow to gain the possible benefits of the attunement.
Activating the energies is done multiple times and often. For example, you activate the energies whenever you give yourself an energy-healing treatment.
It is essential to prepare yourself for energy activation. How you do this will be personal. I encourage you to follow what feels best for you. You can follow the same steps you used to accept your attunement.
Energy Healer Core Qualities
The five core qualities of energy healing underpin activating and using the energies of the attunement. These fundamental core qualities often define the outcome and effectiveness of any energy healing practice.
These qualities build on the understanding that you are one with all. Your path is the only destination.
Your spiritual life purpose is ultimately to discover spiritual lessons. These discoveries make you unique. They allow you to be in the flow. This flow is the universe's potential; anything is possible with intention.
Therefore, your anticipation and action always result in spiritual insights and discoveries. It is this that accelerates you forward.
Sacred Space
Activating the energies of an attunement can be done anywhere. However, try to be calm and relaxed the first time you activate the energies.
Being calm and relaxed allows you to familiarise yourself with the energies. It also helps you gain insights and be more aware of energy flow.
Creating sacred space is personal and unique to you. However, I suggest following the recommendations when you accepted your attunement for continuity.

You will activate the attunement energies using your intention. Therefore, working with your intention is an essential part of energy healing.
Your intention is more important than the statements provided below. Think about activating the energies. Feel this with emotion. Then, the energies will start to flow.
Use any language you feel most comfortable with. You can say the intention statements either out loud or in your head.
Some attunements use symbols, meditations, etc., to activate the energies. If this is the case, you will find details on how to use these methods in your manual. However, your intention will always be vital.
Activating The Attunement Energies
You can activate attunements quickly through intention. If you wholeheartedly want to use the energies, the energies will flow.
You focus your intention by using an intention statement.
To activate the energies, use intention and repeat the following statement:
If the attunement has a level, use an intention statement similar to the following:
Activate the energies at rest or in a state of meditation. Allow the energies to flow.
Don't control the outcome or force energies to do something.
Instead, spend time sensing if anything requires your attention. Or if there are any spiritual insights.
A real-life example of an intention statement for Blissful Light Reiki would be:
'Blissful Light Reiki ON!'
Or, if you are working with a specific level:
'Blissful Light Reiki level 1 ON!'
The energies will typically flow for a few minutes.
Activating the energies for a specific focus
There are two ways to activate energies; general or specific.
The above method is a general way where the energies flow as needed. You allow the energies to go with the flow.
Activating the energies generally or openly is preferred, especially when you start using the energy.
However, you can activate the energies to focus on a specific focus. Again, you will use your intention to achieve this.
Only focus on a particular issue if you have been activating the energies for a while. You must be comfortable and used to the energies before being specific.
Be very clear about what you want the energies to focus on. Then set your intention. You can use an intention statement such as:
Using Blissful Light Reiki as an example to focus on chakra clearing, you would use wording similar to:
'Blissful Light Reiki for chakra clearing ON!'
As mentioned, only be specific once you have experience activating the energies in a general sense.
Refrain from comparing your attunement experiences. Each attunement and activation will be unique. Allow the energies to flow. Don't prejudge, as expectations limit what is possible.
How Long To Activate And Work With The Energies
Attunements must be activated regularly. Therefore, you will activate the energies over days, weeks, months, and sometimes even years.
As a minimum, activate the energies consecutively for at least 21 days. Then, include the activation as part of your daily energy-healing practices. Or activate the energies when needed.
Like all spiritual practices, it requires a lot of hard work and time. Be open and flexible to how you work with the energies. Always follow your intuition and do what feels right.
However, appropriate expectations are a critical part of energy healing. Attunements are energetic support tools that you must work with regularly.
Using These Energies For Others
Activating the energies for someone else also requires your intention. So focus on the person you want to send the energy to and set your intention.
You can add the following wording to the end of the intention statement:
'… for [NAME OF PERSON]!'
Using the Blissful Light Reiki example, you would use wording similar to:
'Blissful Light Reiki ON for [NAME OF PERSON]!'
It is essential to gain consent before doing any energy healing.
However, the blog post Consent And Distant Energy Healing may be interesting if you need explicit consent.
Blissful Light provides all attunements for personal use. Please ensure you adhere to the laws and requirements of your country or location.
Post Activation
Drinking plenty of water, eating well, and getting as much rest as necessary may be helpful. In addition, any form of self-care would be beneficial.
As the energies integrate, things come to mind. For example, this may help you to clear, heal, balance, and change.
At first, this may be subtle. However, the more you activate the energies, you will get used to the feel of the energies.
Next Steps
Working with the energies is a practice.
Keep activating the energies regularly.
Stay open to potential insights.
Question your actions, reactions, thoughts, etc.
Through these actions, you may gain moments of enlightenment and move forward.
The blog post 10 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Distant Attunements gives further suggestions.
I wish you many blessings and discoveries.