blissful light attunements and treatments

Mother Earth

Mother earth attunements aim to assist you in connecting with mother earth, Gaia, and her energies for grounding, healing, and spiritual development and growth. Some mother earth attunements may also be used to help heal Gaia, our planet, and her occupants. Mother earth focused attunements often make a wonderful addition to any energy healing that is focused on connecting with and healing the world around you and strengthening the heart chakra

If you are looking for a Gaia attunement, I highly recommend starting with the Dynamic Gaia Connections Maintenance Attunement. You may also be interested in natureshamanic and plant healing attunements, which complement mother earth attunements perfectly.




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Working On

Energetic Connections


Energy Structures

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Working On

Energetic Connections


Energy Structures

4 products

Earth Healer Path Alignment Dedication Treatment
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Ultimate Earth Star Chakra Enhancement Treatment
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Ultimate Earth Connections Gaia Gateway Chakra Alignment Treatment
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Ultimate Earth Star Chakra Goddess Gaia Integration Treatment

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