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Understanding energetic protection requires knowing what drains your energy and how best to approach it.

Top Energetic Protection Attunements
Top selection of safe energetic protection attunements covering different aspects of energetic protection.

Find out what auric attachments are, how do you get them and how to get rid of them.

What Is A Psychic Attack And How To Protect Yourself
Understanding what a psychic attack is and how to protect yourself are essential aspects of energy healing.

Attunements And The Importance Of Short Lineages
Having short attunement lineages is essential for safe and effective energy healing practice.

Protecting Your Energy Healing Practices
One of the joys of energy healing and spiritual development work is that there is an unlimited way of practising, creating or discovering. You are a unique being who will practice and discover uniq...

Energy healing and permanence or having constant energies is a topic that comes up from time to time. It is an interesting topic area as you are a dynamic energy being (doesn’t that sound great!). ...

What Is An Energy Healing Etheric Feedback Cord?
Etheric cords are energetic structures that enable two objects to communicate with each other energetically. Most etheric cords are positive and allow for stronger bonding, empathy and feeling conn...

Since working in energy healing and spiritual development for many years, discussions about entities will come up every week. Most commonly, clients want to know how to remove them or protect thems...

Top Angel Protection Attunements
Developing energetic connections with the angels and angelic realms may provide some of the most supportive and healing energies and spiritual relationships. Angel healing is a very popular area of...