blissful light attunements and treatments

Niemakaiha Attunements

All the attunements in this collection provide access to Niemakaiha energy.

Niemakaiha energy is a new and advanced spiritual accelerant, multidimensional, interuniversal energy with a specific focus on accelerating your spiritual development, maturity, and evolution.

Although Niemakaiha may not be for everyone, I would highly recommend starting with the Niemakaiha energy healing system, which gives an excellent grounding in this new energy.


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4 products

Arcturian Spiritual Auric Ascension Healing Niemakaiha attunement
EXCLUSIVETop 10 Attunement
Arcturian Spiritual DNA Healing Niemakaiha attunement
Arcturian Spiritual Ancestry Healing Niemakaiha attunement
500 Euro banknote bills representing money abundance, Arcturian Spiritual Money Healing Niemakaiha attunement.

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