Custom Potential Attunement
Arcturian Spiritual Auric Ascension Healing Niemakaiha
The Arcturian Spiritual Auric Ascension Healing Niemakaiha is prepared as a custom Potential Attunement, with profound spiritual development and energetic safety advantages. It is custom-made for your energy signatures, is open-ended, and honours and nurtures your uniqueness.
Exclusive to Blissful Light, this custom attunement is for personal use only for the person who purchases the attunement from this website. All rights are reserved, including all commercial purposes, reselling, etc. You can't pass on or resell this attunement. Terms apply.
You will be attuned directly by Craig, the founder of this attunement. This ensures you receive the attunement as it was created and intended. Always purchase attunements directly from the founder if at all possible.
The Arcturian Spiritual Auric Ascension Healing Niemakaiha attunement aims to assist in auric ascension, balance, and healing, emphasising spiritual development, energetic protection, enhanced energetic perception, and spiritual evolution.
Niemakaiha energies are incredibly high vibration, and its spiritually accelerant nature provides an energetic ascension to the aura. The energetic ascension of the auric energies is a process that aims always to ensure they are of their highest vibration possible at any given moment.
When working with the energies of this attunement, the Arcturians aim to assist in bringing forward information and learning potential that may have been overlooked or be more helpful in advancing your spiritual development.
They may also boost the overall functioning of the aura to bring about better identification and interpretation of the energies around you.
The energies of the aura are enhanced to bring in more high-vibration energies and reduce the infiltration of lower-density energies. This is in part achieved by 'reading' the energies before they enter deeply into the aura. This prevents any potential infiltration and attachments from occurring.
In addition, any energies you give off through the aura are enhanced to reduce any energetic loss and the potential for energetic attack, damage, removal, or tracking.
Any energetic feedback gained via the enhanced auric function may result in the potential for significant spiritual discoveries, discoveries that may enhance and accelerate your spiritual development and evolution.
The Arcturian Spiritual Auric Ascension Healing Niemakaiha requirements:
- If you are ill or unwell, you must first seek proper medical care.
- This is an advanced attunement. You should have considerable energy healing experience and experience with the topic.
- Understand that healing is a process that requires active participation.
- An open heart and a commitment to your self-empowerment and growth.
- Realistic expectations of what is possible.
- Some quiet time to practice and take in the energy.
- You understand and accept these requirements, order process, and terms.
- For personal use only. This attunement can't be passed on or resold.
Functions included in the attunement:
- Auric balancing and healing.
- Enhanced auric flow.
- Optimal auric ascension.
- Enhanced spiritual development.
- New perspectives of understanding energetic information.
- Better interpretation of energetic information.
- Bring in more high-vibration energies.
- Reduce the infiltration of lower-density energies.
- Reduce auric attachments.
- Reduce energetic loss through the aura.
- Reduce energetic attack, damage or tracking.
- Boost overall energetic protection.
- Faster awareness of potential energetic protection issues.
- Respond quicker to non-serving energetic threats.
- Spiritual discoveries and moments of enlightenment.
- Spiritual acceleration and evolution.
- Raise your vibration.
Your purchase includes the following:
- Digital download of the Arcturian Spiritual Auric Ascension Healing Niemakaiha manual (PDF document).
- 1 distant attunement prepared as a custom Potential Attunement.
- A certificate of attunement, with signature, via email on request.
- Training and support during the attunement duration via email.
Please consult our Help Centre or contact me for more information.
All attunements are provided to assist your spiritual development. However, there are some situations where attunements are not recommended. This is primarily due to your energies being in flux, unbalanced, and not being able to work with focused intention and insights.
When consistently unfocused intentions or fluctuating energies occur, gaining long-lasting potential benefits from attunements becomes incredibly challenging. Therefore, please do not purchase an attunement if any of the following may apply.
Your energies must be relatively balanced to consider an attunement. This is due to the focused, consistently balanced, and high-vibration intention required by energy healing and working with attunements.
With this in mind, if your energies, emotions, or thoughts fluctuate, are very unbalanced, intense, or extreme, you should not consider this attunement.
Likewise, this also includes any state that is not what could be regarded as normal or prevents you from functioning in everyday life. This may include any shifts in consciousness, timelines, realities, hearing intrusive negative voices, visions that cannot be separated from reality, etc.
If you feel under constant spiritual attack and are paranoid and intensely focused on others, entities, or other beings, this spiritual development focused attunement should not be considered.
You should consult appropriate professional support if any of this is the case.
If you energetically attack, blame others for your actions, are rude and disrespectful, and practice anything not of the light, this attunement is not for you.
This attunement focuses on your spiritual development, which requires you to have the appropriate spiritual maturity and expectations to work on yourself with time, focus and support if needed.
You must have the spiritual maturity to work with insights and feedback, take accountability for your actions and take a broader spiritual view and approach. Flexibility and a desire to learn, grow and discover are essential.
If you demand an immediate and urgent attunement, this attunement is not for you. Working with spiritually focused energy healing should never be applied in urgency. This energetic imbalance will not likely give you time to work through spiritual discoveries and development opportunities. This attunement is provided for spiritual development and not energetic emergencies.
Only work with attunements or energies that deeply resonate with you, your intuition, etc. Never work with attunements just because someone has told you you have an energetic problem. Always work from your intuition and guidance. If it completely resonates, then take it slow. If you are not sure, then wait until you have more clarity.
This attunement focuses on your spiritual development and not professional training, business advice, etc.
This attunement is in the following categories: Advanced Attunements, Arcturians, Ascension, Attachment Removal, Attunements By Craig MacLennan, Aura, Custom Potential Attunements, Energetic Protection, Enlightenment, Modalities, Niemakaiha Attunements, Psychic Attack Protection, Spiritual Awareness, Spiritual Development, Spiritual Knowledge, Store

Energetic Support
High Vibration Energies
The Arcturian Spiritual Auric Ascension Healing Niemakaiha aims to provide energetic support and assist spiritual growth and development.
The attunement is safe, high-vibration, and easy to accept and use, making it an excellent addition to your energy healing practice.
Yes, the Arcturian Spiritual Auric Ascension Healing Niemakaiha is safe.
The attunement is high-vibration, of the light and works in complete alignment with your higher self.
Accepting your attunement is a straightforward process.
First, you must requested that I prepare your attunement. Once the attunement has been prepared you then follow the instructions in the manual to accept the attunement.
The attunement acceptance process involves:
- Being relaxed.
- Holding an intention to accept the attunement.
- Repeating a short intention statement found in the manual.
The attunement process lasts a few minutes, allowing the energies to integrate.
Once the attunement has been accepted, you must then activate the energies regularly for the energies to work and fully integarte.
If your attunement comes with multiple attunements, you can accept these simultaneously.
If you purchase multiple attunements, leave at least a day or so between accepting them. This allows the energies to integrate and be used.
The lineages of all the attunements founded by Craig are very short. Short lineages help ensure energetic safety.
Always receive attunements from the founder, whenever possible. This ensures you receive the attunement as it was created and intended.
Lineage: Craig (founder) - You

New To Attunements? Start Here
Our collection of resources will walk you through everything you need to know about distant attunements.
Order Process FAQ
Our distant attunement order process is designed to be comprehensive and support your attunement process.
You can find the full order process below, however these are some of the most commonly asked questions.
How will I receive my manual?
You can download your manual in two ways:
1. You can download your manual directly from the order confirmation page once you have completed your order.
2. You will also receive an email with links to download your manual.
Please download your manual and save a copy, as the links are not permanent.
Who will prepare my distant attunement?
Craig, the founder of Arcturian Spiritual Auric Ascension Healing Niemakaiha and Blissful Light, will prepare your attunement.
If I purchase multiple attunements, do I request them individually?
If your attunement has multiple attunements included (levels), these will be prepared at the same time.
If you purchase multiple, different attunements, it is usually best to request that I prepare them all at the same time. The energies do not deplete over time and it allows you to have the freedom and flexibility to accept the attunements at the time that is best for you.
Does the attunement come with an audio file?
No, the attunement is a chi ball attunement. It does not come with an audio file.

Ordering Attunements - What You Need To Know.
Our attunement order process is designed to be simple and easy to follow, giving details on what you need to do and what is included.