Distant Energy Healing Treatment

Chakra Clearing Treatment

SKU: DT-CH-250510
Sale price£ 19.99 GBP

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Your treatment will be performed by Craig, the founder of Blissful Light.

The distant Chakra Clearing Treatment aims to clear, cleanse, balance, and repair your main chakras, chakras in the head and feet, and the Soul Star and Earth Star Chakras.

Clearing, balancing, and repairing your chakras aims to allow the chakras to function optimally.

Chakras bring in energies into your energy bodies and also send energies out into the environment around you. They allow you to sense the energetic environment around you and let others sense your energies.

In addition, chakras have specific functions concerning where they are located.

If you have non-serving energies within or from outside of you that enter your chakras, they can get concentrated and may cause energetic blockages (affecting you depending on the nature of the specific chakra).

Or the negative energies are distributed throughout your energy bodies. This may cause further blockages and energetic imbalance.

The Chakra Clearing Treatment aims to include the following:

Chakra Clearing

Non-serving energies and blockages will be cleared from your chakras.

Chakra Repair

Any damage to the structure of your chakras will be repaired.

Chakra Frequency

The frequency of your chakras will be reset to their most optimal frequency to increase energetic balance and vitality.

Chakra Dimensions

Sometimes, when you lucid dream or astral travel, you may leave some of your energy behind, draining your energetic bodies. Any chakra energy that has been left behind will be returned.

Energetic grounding and protection.

Your Chakra Clearing Treatment will conclude by fully grounding you and calling in energetic protection to ensure your chakras remain strong, protected, and balanced.

The Chakra Clearing Treatment requirements:

What may I gain from this treatment?

  • Chakra clearing.
  • Chakra repair.
  • Chakra and energetic balancing
  • Grounding and energetic chakra protection.
  • Good energetic hygiene practice.

What is included?

  • Distant Chakra Clearing Treatment.
  • There is no treatment pre-scheduling. After you email me letting me know you are ready for your treatment, I will complete it as soon as possible without scheduling a date or time. This allows me to work on your energies while in a natural state and in divine timing, which is essential for the treatment.
  • Relevant feedback of up to 100 words.

Please consult our Help Centre or contact me for more information.

Learn to do this treatment yourself

Energy healing treatments should be viewed as energetic assistance to the work that you are currently doing. They assist you at that moment; however, treatments are one-off events. You may require ongoing energetic support if you are working towards an energetic or spiritual goal. If this is the case, you should consider attunements. An attunement is an energetic tool you can use over a long time as often as you like.

This treatment is in the following categories: Chakras, Energy Healing Treatments, Store

Energetic Support

High Vibration Energies

The Chakra Clearing Treatment aims to provide energetic support and assist spiritual growth and development. The treatment is provided in a safe, high-vibration, and advanced way to support, nurture and enhance your energies.

Ordering Energy Healing Treatments - What You Need To Know

Ordering Energy Healing Treatments - What You Need To Know

Everything you need to know about booking a distant energy healing treatment with Blissful Light.

Order Process FAQ

Our treatment order process is designed to be comprehensive and support your energy healing treatment.

Above, you can find the complete order process, including additional information on how to prepare for your treatment and what to expect following your treatment.

These are some of the most commonly asked questions.

Blissful Light is open Monday to Friday: 9am-12pm (Excluding public holidays).We are based in the United Kingdom.

Friendly support

Welcoming environment

High Vibration

Safe advanced energies

Secure payment

Major payment methods accepted