Distant Energy Healing Treatment

Ultimate Arcturian Clairaudience Stimulation Treatment

Pre-approval Required
Sale price£ 59.99 GBP

Pre-approval is required before you purchase this treatment.

Please only purchase this treatment if first agreed with Craig.

We must have worked extensively together previously. You must have successfully worked on the focus of this treatment (for example, chakra activation, your third eye, psychic development, etc.) and want an enhancement opportunity.

You must have clear and appropriate expectations of what is possible, especially concerning chakra activations, third eye, and psychic development.

We accept

Your treatment will be performed by Craig, the founder of Blissful Light.

The Ultimate Arcturian Clairaudience Stimulation Treatment aims to work with Arcturian energy to stimulate the ongoing development of your clairaudience abilities.

The Arcturians are incredibly supportive and advanced beings who are particularly adept at assisting with clairaudience stimulation. The stimulation is gentle yet advanced and powerful, incredibly expansive and broad in its application, and aims to encourage consistent clairaudience expansion.

This treatment is good if you want a more comprehensive, higher spiritual approach to stimulate your clairaudience abilities for ongoing development.

The treatment should be considered an advanced enhancement to the clairaudience abilities you have already achieved where you want to enhance your clairaudience development further.

The Ultimate Arcturian Clairaudience Stimulation Treatment aims to include the following:

  • Raise your vibration.
  • Deep clearing, healing, repairing, and balancing your energies and all energy bodies.
  • Increase the amount of high-vibration light energy your energy bodies hold.
  • Strengthen higher self connections.
  • Open channels to enhance clairaudience development and integration.
  • Boost consistent inflows of spiritual energies and information.
  • Stimulate the activation and ongoing strengthening of your clairaudience abilities.
  • Integrate Arcturian energies, support, and spiritual development potential.
  • Anchor Arcturian energies into energy bodies and energies.
  • Encourage consistent clairaudience expansion.
  • Better ability to trust in received clairaudience spiritual information.
  • Focus on the spiritual nature and broader oneness view.
  • Stimulate mature progress and ability to work with spiritual information and other beings of light.

This treatment will only clear the energies you are ready to release. It will not remove your connections to spirit or any energy healing modalities you are attuned to or work with. It aligns with your higher self.

The Ultimate Arcturian Clairaudience Stimulation Treatment requirements:

  • Preapproval is required before you purchase this treatment.
  • Only buy this treatment if first agreed with Craig.
  • We must have worked extensively together previously.
  • You have successfully worked on your clairaudience abilities and want an enhancement opportunity.
  • Have clear and appropriate expectations of what is possible, especially with clairaudience and enhancement.
  • If you are ill or unwell, you must first seek proper medical care.
  • Please read below for more details on when treatments are not recommended.
  • This is an advanced treatment. You must have energy healing or spiritual practice experience.
  • Work with the 5 essential qualities of an energy healer.
  • Understand that healing is a process that requires active participation.
  • An open heart and a commitment to your self-empowerment and growth.
  • Some quiet time to take in and work with the energies.
  • It is not possible to add anything to or change the focus of this treatment.
  • You understand and accept these requirements, energy healing treatment order process, and terms.

What is included?

  • Ultimate Arcturian Clairaudience Stimulation Treatment.
  • There is no treatment pre-scheduling. Following you emailing me letting me know you are ready for your treatment, I will complete the treatment as soon as possible without scheduling a date or time. This allows me to work on your energies in a natural state and divine timing, which is essential for the treatment.
  • Relevant feedback of up to 200 words.

Please consult our Help Centre or contact me for more information.

Energetic Support

High Vibration Energies

The Ultimate Arcturian Clairaudience Stimulation Treatment aims to provide energetic support and assist spiritual growth and development. The treatment is provided in a safe, high-vibration, and advanced way to support, nurture and enhance your energies.

Ordering Energy Healing Treatments - What You Need To Know

Ordering Energy Healing Treatments - What You Need To Know

Everything you need to know about booking a distant energy healing treatment with Blissful Light.

Order Process FAQ

Our treatment order process is designed to be comprehensive and support your energy healing treatment.

Above, you can find the complete order process, including additional information on how to prepare for your treatment and what to expect following your treatment.

These are some of the most commonly asked questions.

Blissful Light is open Monday to Friday: 9am-12pm (Excluding public holidays).We are based in the United Kingdom.

Friendly support

Welcoming environment

High Vibration

Safe advanced energies

Secure payment

Major payment methods accepted