Distant Energy Healing Treatment

Ultimate Shamanic Soul Retrieval Integration Treatment

Sale price£ 59.99 GBP

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Your treatment will be performed by Craig, the founder of Blissful Light.

The Ultimate Shamanic Soul Retrieval Integration Treatment aims to restore and strengthen your soul energy by ensuring it is complete and whole.

When you have been energetically threatened, parts of your soul may break away. This happens so it can protect itself and return when it is safe. Sometimes the soul parts or fragments don't return or become lost. More often than not, the soul parts are close by, though, and need to be nurtured and integrated back into your soul's energies.

Soul retrieval aims to locate and integrate the lost soul part back into your energies. In so doing, you may feel more energetically complete, and your energies function more optimally.

Soul retrieval is a beautiful practice that can be done regularly and incorporated into your routine energy healing and spiritual practices. As a result, you may feel more connected with your higher self and establish a deeper connection with your spiritual path.

The Ultimate Shamanic Soul Retrieval Integration Treatment aims to include the following:

  • Raise your vibration.
  • Clearing, healing, balancing, and repairing your energies and energy bodies.
  • Remove etheric cords, auric attachments, imprints, etc.
  • Expand the size of the aura and smooth the auric boundary.
  • Blanace local energies with your spiritual energies.
  • Remove negative karma and energies impacting soul loss.
  • Spell and past life clearing associated with soul loss.
  • Retrieve lost, stolen, and given away soul parts.
  • Integrate soul fragments.
  • Enhanced energy flow and soul-part acceptance.
  • Soul healing and realignment.
  • Boost the amount of light energy your energy bodies hold.
  • Increase personal power.
  • Energetic and spiritual boundary strengthening.
  • Forgiveness and acceptance of self and others.
  • Blessings of integration, wholeness, and spiritual support.

Before the soul retrieval takes place, sacred space is opened. Strong intentions are set for the soul retrieval to be supported and nurtured by spirit in complete alignment with your higher self.

The Ultimate Shamanic Soul Retrieval Integration Treatment requirements:

What is included?

  • Distant Ultimate Shamanic Soul Retrieval Integration Treatment.
  • There is no treatment pre-scheduling. Following you emailing me letting me know you are ready for your treatment, I will complete the treatment as soon as possible without scheduling a date or time. This allows me to work on your energies while in a natural state and in divine timing, which is essential for the treatment.
  • Relevant feedback of up to 200 words.

Please consult our Help Centre or contact me for more information.

This treatment is in the following categories: Energy Healing Treatments, Shamanic, Store, Ultimate Treatments

Energetic Support

High Vibration Energies

The Ultimate Shamanic Soul Retrieval Integration Treatment aims to provide energetic support and assist spiritual growth and development. The treatment is provided in a safe, high-vibration, and advanced way to support, nurture and enhance your energies.

Ordering Energy Healing Treatments - What You Need To Know

Ordering Energy Healing Treatments - What You Need To Know

Everything you need to know about booking a distant energy healing treatment with Blissful Light.

Order Process FAQ

Our treatment order process is designed to be comprehensive and support your energy healing treatment.

Above, you can find the complete order process, including additional information on how to prepare for your treatment and what to expect following your treatment.

These are some of the most commonly asked questions.

Blissful Light is open Monday to Friday: 9am-12pm (Excluding public holidays).We are based in the United Kingdom.

Friendly support

Welcoming environment

High Vibration

Safe advanced energies

Secure payment

Major payment methods accepted